ADI Days 2016
Austempering: a Technology for Substitution. 6th — 7th October Minerbe (VR).
The strengths of safety
Dictionary of transportation in the Middle East. The conference will be held on March 9th at the Middle East Rail exhibition in Dubai.
An ‘Invest in Culture’ meeting with Italian investors
The symposium was held in order to present Bahrain’s experience.
Smart Mobility. The Italian Way and the GCC Scenario
Control Rooms, Smart Metals and Digital Projects. The transport scenario in the GCC and other Arab countries.
The great challenge of the Arab Transport
Verona’s Metef opens the convention dedicated to exchange with the Arab world. The transport game between Italy and the Gulf couldn’t be more interesting.
Middle East-Europe: challenges for the metal industry
A Conference dedicated to the interchange between Europe and the Middle East.
International Landscape and Green Business Day
The Politecnico di Milano hosts a conference on new trends in landscape architecture.
Arabal 2013: a successful Euro-Arab alliance achieved
A strategic alliance between Europe and the Arab Nations for world aluminium.
A Japanese book boosts Italian tourism
Yasuko Ishikawa, with the first publication of its kind in Japanese, Abruzzo Misterioso, first and foremost helps to fill a knowledge gap.
The Alessandro Valignano Prize in Tokyo
The Alessandro Valignano Prize is assigned to Japanese artists that have received their academic training in Italy and that have later moved back to Japan.
Forum Valignano, cultura e tecnologie italiane dal Giappone al Qatar
Si è tenuto venerdì 4 maggio, presso la Sala Rossa della Camera di Commercio di Chieti, il convegno internazionale “Valignano nel Terzo Millennio”. Un appuntamento intersettoriale tra storia e impresa, tra cultura e scambi economici con l’Asia, cui hanno aderito oltre 40 relatori, le principali istituzioni e numerose imprese italiane.