The digital accelerator in Metro lines, infrastructure and steel rails

Mar 2, 2021

During Rail Technology Expo 2021, Conference and Expo for the latest technologies & projects in the railway sector (Rail Analysis, India) 


Indian railways has the largest extension in the world and constitutes an international network and hub for strategic projects and relations beyond India. This network is distributed between India, Europe, the Middle East and North America.

The appointment highlights this huge market which will have about 1000 km of metro lines by 2022. Advanced lines for light trains, suburban trains, as well as semi-high-speed, high-speed and freight corridors are under construction and are being designed.
The panel is co-organized by IIMH and Art Valley and focuses on metallurgy in infrastructure and digitization.

Among the scientific themes of the panel: The turning point of railway metallurgy. New metallurgical technology with zinc for rail maintenance. Infrastructure design. Underground: steel tracks and aluminum parts. Design, length and weight of rails. Benchmarks among the infrastructure of various cases in Delhi, Milan, Copenhagen, and London, Line controls, Electric and digital catenary. Signaling and control rooms.

recent events

Rail & Metro Conclave

16th October, 2020. Organised by Steel & Metallurgy, India, in collaboration with Art Valley.