This is how structural painting is defined.
Keeping India on Track
New industrial policies aim to guide public investment in transport sector.
Modernizing India’s Agri-Food Sector
Report by Dr. Pratapaditya Mishra, Visiting Professor, Utkal University, Orissa, India.
East-West Intelligent City
Citymatics between East and West.
MF International
Managers, entrepreneurs, diplomats and consultants are interviewed regarding their experiences.
The Visitor
The cultural case of Alessandro Valignano, the Visitor who began one of the greatest enterprises of the Renaissance, is now open.
Alessandro Valignano. Un jesuite au Japon
L’édition française de la biographie de Alessandro Valignano.
The Minos’ Revolution in Smart Cities.
Il Visitatore
Un libro per comunicare oggi con la Cina, con il Giappone, con l’Asia intera.
Le città intelligenti (1a edizione)
Scrivendo un manuale di citymatica per amministratori lungimiranti e cittadini esigenti.